Friday 3 May 2024

automatic translation

Friday 3 May 2024

automatic translation

    VITRUM, Why? The answer from RCN SOLUTIONS

    VITRUM it's an opportunity to showcase and assert Made in Italy at home, in Milan, in the most important location for fashion, industry, art and culture. It may seem like a paradox, yet we can shout out loud that in the world of glass there is a lot of excellence based on tradition, ingenuity, technology and an all-Italian know-how, appreciated all over the world. And where better to do it than in our country?

    The stand of RCN SOLUTIONS you will be able to see some products but above all you will be able to talk, discuss, evaluate safety glass resulting from the chemical tempering and lamination process, carried out with our machinery.

    Over the past six years, there has been a lot of interest in chemical hardening. It is no coincidence that, since RCN relaunched this process in 2017, expanding the fields of application, the world of glass has focused attention on this process and finally, chemical tempering has begun to be known, something we are talking about, something fundamental in the field of safety glass. It is starting to become a necessity in all the productions of special glass, curved glass, very thin glass, even 0.5mm, but recently also in applications that we would not expect, such as thicker glass for the building industry. Large companies as well as smaller companies are interested, and for all those who want to approach the world of chemical hardening but do not want to make a large investment before having experienced this process, they will find the solution right on the RCN stand.

    The advantages of chemically tempered glass are numerous: it is more robust than other hardening processes, does not involve any visual distortion of the glass surface and maintains an excellent planimetry, essential for the subsequent lamination step. It can be drilled and ground after the process, thus facilitating the production phases.

    The RCN CT line is able to satisfy all requests for measurements and combinations for series and/or special productions. And where it is not found in the catalogue, our company designs and builds. 

    Clearly after hardening follows rolling which requires accurate process conditions guaranteed by quality components. In this context, machinery capable of ensuring heat uniformity, worktops that maintain the planimetry of the glass, even the heaviest ones, and the use of quality consumables are needed. The laminating interlayer must meet the criteria of adhesion, durability and mechanical properties which allow a high quality lamination. All of this is answered by REVA BF, the RCN laminating film, with a chemical formula studied and tested since 2011. REVA BF is distributed all over the world and certified according to European, USA and Canadian standards. 

    Consumables therefore play a fundamental role in the results of all processes, the potassium salts, for example, used in chemical hardening processes, must be refined and must be absolutely pure like those distributed by RCN. Impure or poor quality potassium salts could greatly reduce the effectiveness of the hardening, making it necessary to change it very frequently.  

    Many factors contribute to the construction of machinery that RCN has been using for a long time and which it tries to maintain in all its construction choices, namely, particular attention to the needs of the operators, process optimization for energy savings, construction flexibility without lose sight of safety. In this context, the latest system born in the RCN house in 2021 and patented at the end of 2022, RD CLEAN CONCEPT, the lamination system defined as "clean edges".

    This system, based on a special type of lamination bag, makes it possible to produce glass with minimal or no interlayer leakage from the edges. It follows that the operator will not have to clean the edges thus having a double advantage: time saving and safety for the operator who does not have to use sharp tools with the risk of getting hurt. 

    Last but not least, bending furnaces with constructions suitable for special or complex bends together with multi-carriage furnace designs.

    Nothing is missing to install a well-organized production flow, even with the help of RCN EASY CONNECT APP, the man-machine communication interface, an important system for managing and controlling production even remotely.

    We have many topics and the RCN team awaits you at stand H01, Hall 7, ready to listen and assist you in finding customized solutions. 

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