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Wednesday 11 September 2024

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Wednesday 11 September 2024

automatic translation

    Why invest in the Italian glass supply chain?

    Every euro invested in the Made in Italy glass supply chain would generate 2,5 euros of value in environmental, social and economic terms. A forecast, the one calculated by the study conducted by Open Impact, which applies the innovative SROI (Social Return on Investment) methodology to the glass sector.

    A transparent future

    The study was presented at the opening of the conference "The Future through Glass", organized by Assovetro, In collaboration with the CNEL (National Council of Economy and Labour), on the morning of Thursday 23 February. The conference investigated investment opportunities in the Italian glass industry and its decarbonisation, as well as the elements capable of promoting the green transition. 

    The figures

    In a nutshell, the study found that an investment of 10,7 billion can promote an economic and socio-environmental return of more than 27 billion. This account should include 8,7 billion of investments in interventions aimed at promoting the decarbonisation of the sector, which will generate a return from a social point of view close to 12,2 billion.

    A unique case in Europe

    Italy represents an absolute European excellence: it is in fact the only reality of the Old Continent in which all the productions linked to the glass industry are present. The sector has about 60 plants and 32 large production companies, 300 companies operating in the transformation sector and 30.000 direct employees; And it serves some crucial sectors for Made in Italythink, for example, of flat glass for industry automotive, building and furnishing, but also to that cable for the food, packaging and pharmaceutical industries. 

    The work of decarbonising the supply chain, as underlined by the President of Assovetro, Marco Ravasi, represents a flywheel for the promotion of a green transition of the Italian economy: it will in fact favor the diffusion of the so-called green jobs and an important monetary and social return.


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