Friday 26 April 2024

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Friday 26 April 2024

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    Sustainability of packaging, without sacrificing design. The European Parliament cares about glass

    In June we dealt with the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), proposed by the European Commission, to improve the sustainability of products placed on the market.
    We had underlined its foresight in terms of sustainability, but we had also reported the understandable doubts of the associations involved in the sector.
    FEVE, spiritsEUROPE and CEEV – Comité Vins contested the possible weakening of the sector, linked to strong limitations imposed on packaging design. In fact, excessive standardization of packaging would have compromised brand building processes and the recognisability of the products themselves.

    Packaging: why is design so important?

    The clear position of associations and federations, which have expressed these doubts, while busily supporting the PPWR proposal to make the sector of the packaging a key factor for the EU's circular economy, stimulated an important reflection in the institutions, culminating in decision by the European Parliament to protect distinctive packaging designs.

    The European Parliament plenary session vote on PPWR rewarded the European glass industry, recognizing the crucial role of packaging design in communicating product identity, brand recognition and the excellence of products made in Europe
    The request now forwarded to the Council of the EU is to guarantee adequate protection of intellectual property rights linked to the glass packaging sector. 
    In fact, we must consider how packaging, in addition to being an intrinsic part of the product, helps to make informed choices.

    The green imprint of glass

    Not secondarily, Parliament's vote helps to mitigate the risk that heavier, but circular packaging materials, such as glass, may be replaced by lighter, but difficult to recycle or reusable materials.
    Thanks to the introduction of recyclability performance grades, glass reconfirms its leading role in the packaging sector, thanks to its ability to fit perfectly into a closed production cycle.  


    You may also be interested in: In India, the demand for glass for packaging is growing, due to demographic reasons and industrial development 
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