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Sunday 16 February 2025

automatic translation

Sunday 16 February 2025

automatic translation

    Tecno Sunblock, zero emissions thermochromic glass

    Tecno Sunblock thermochromic glass was presented by Tecnovati Com for the first time, exclusively, within Vitrum 2023.

    Tecnovati Com obtained a European exclusive distribution agreement following a careful analysis of the product's technologies and its qualities

    This amazing product is designed to reduce heating and direct light, providing an advanced solution for the energy saving and improving the quality of the indoor environment.

    The core of the Tecno Sunblock is made up of a thermo-sensitive material that is activated thanks to solar heat and can be integrated into the central layer, it can be used for both the production of flat and curved glass.

    At low temperatures, the nanomolecules are dispersed uniformly in the solution, while as the temperature increases, micelles are formed, which subsequently join together, creating bonds.

    The use of this thermochromic glass is configured as a ideal ecological solution for zero-emission projects.

    Tecno Sunblock is able to change its state from transparent to opaline and vice versa, regulating the set temperature from -20°C to +70°C, automatically responding to external climate variations without requiring electricity or manual intervention.

    This smart glass offers a green, efficient and active sun protection, significantly improving interior comfort without the need to use electricity or awnings. Furthermore, it helps to maintain the internal temperature of the rooms, reducing the use of air conditioners.

    In any application context, the Tecno Sunblock ensures an improvement in internal visual comfort and greater energy efficiency, positioning itself as a precious ally in the creation of sustainable architectural projects.

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      TECNOVATI COM S.r.l.
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