Wednesday 1 May 2024

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Wednesday 1 May 2024

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    2022 IYOG: the inauguration event at the United Nations building in Geneva

    Dino Zandonella Necca, of the Board of Surfaces Group, CEO of ADI, President of RBM and IC, and President of Vitrum, will give one of the keynote addresses.

    The United Nations General Assembly has elected 2022 as the International Year of Glass, to underline its fundamental historical, technological, scientific and artistic role in human evolution as well as the potential contribution it can make to sustainable development. The opening ceremony of the IYOG will be held on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 February at the United Nations Palace in Geneva.

    Surfaces Group is proud to highlight the participation of Dino ZandonellaNecca, who was chosen to speak at the event with his personal contribution.

    President and CEO of Adi, president of RBM Italia and International Chips, all companies of the Surfaces group, has held for almost seven years, also the highest office of Vitrum, which brings together the Italian manufacturers of machines, special products, equipment and systems for flat and hollow glass and processed products for industry.

    Just as a guide to Vitrum, Zandonella Necca he was undoubtedly the most convinced supporter of the Community of Glass Associations, always underlining the need for dialogue between the various players and for joint action to promote the entire glass supply chain in the various countries of the world. 

    A commitment of strategic importance that involves the whole “Italian system” such as Dino Zandonalla Necca highlights in an interview given on the eve of the inaugural United Nations event.

    "For me it is incredible to be able to participate in a ceremony of such prestige and certainly the emotion for my speech will be great, I am realizing it as the days are approaching. But I am very proud because we, of Vitrum, most of all, with the Community of Glass Association, we launched and promoted this idea".

     "I would like to emphasize - says Dino ZandonellaNecca - that the prestigious result of the IYOG International Year Of Glass it is also due to these meetings that we have had. These meetings were born from an idea that we had, also in particular from myself: after the crisis of 2009 we realized that we need to work as a team by opening up to different feelings, to neighboring structures.

    It is essential to create a system, to cope with the limited financial and human resources, especially for the territorial associations of the various countries, which face similar problems, are often under-structured and have to deal with complex qualification procedures and regulations.

    Being in Murano with many glass associations, which then became active in the institutions of their countries, also contributed to sensitizing the high spheres of the UN in promoting the IYO.G. "

    "I believe theInternational year of Glass  - teacher Dino ZandonellaNecca - it is an exceptional result, glass is a fantastic material, it has one of the highest recycling rates, which allows a reduction of the environmental impact and the new types of coatings that isolate the glass used in architecture, also give efficient results for building insulation.

    Glass also has incredible mechanical characteristics thanks to new technologies. It is also important for the automotive and digital sectors, not to mention the importance of hollow glass for the pharmaceutical and food sectors.

    I am convinced that IYOG is an excellent opportunity to spread its knowledge also in schools not only for business, because it is an important material for our future.

    I believe the cultural aspect is decisive. We as a community will have to realize the preference of glass. It has to increase everyone's sensitivity.

    To promote the "culture of glass" Dino Zandonella Necca gives everyone an appointment at the next one GLASS WEEK Milanese.

    “Certainly the GLASS WEEK, which will take place in mid-September in Milan, with the collaboration of MISE and ICE Agency, and which will support, for the industrial side, the Glass Week which involves artisan production, creating an ideal bridge between these two realities of glass production. Combining Venice with Milan could be an ace in the hole. It will not only involve the productive world, but also the social and cultural side.

    An opportunity for the whole Italian system, also considering the involvement in reception and hospitality ".

    You can read the full version of the interview with Dino Zandonella Necca at the link

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