Friday 26 April 2024

automatic translation

Friday 26 April 2024

automatic translation

    Anti-Collision Glasses for Birds

    One of the biggest bird protection problems is that of prevent them from crashing into glass e stained glass windows.

    Responsible for this growing phenomenon, which causes damage to nature itself, are skyscrapers with curtain walls in glass, soundproof barriers of the highways and all the large glass structures used in both urban and private architecture.

    Many buildings could be built according to standards that can somehow better protect the birds. To date, this is still an underestimated problem.

    Birds can easily avoid obstacles in their habitats in flight, but they are not prepared to cope with transparent obstacles such as panes of glass.

    Glass is a double source of danger because it is transparent: the bird sees the tree behind the glass plate but does not perceive the obstacle in the middle.

    It reflects the surrounding environment: the trees and the sky are reflected in it and make the bird believe that it is facing a possible living space.

    It is now a consolidated habit to see figures of birds, silkscreened shapes or forms, to eliminate the transparency of the glass and allow the birds to intuit and avoid the obstacle.

    Institutions, public bodies and private associations ask and invite designers and builders to identify and use solutions able to reduce or eliminate the cases of bird impact on the glass.

    When creating constructions in glass or with large glass inserts it is preferable to use a product that reflects as little as possible, with a degree of external reflection of 15% maximum.

    Or use alternative glass types such as: fluted glass, rendered translucent, opaque, sandblasted, chemically stained, tinted, printed (e.g. dot screen with a coverage of at least 25%), opal glass, cathedral printed, frosted , glass blocks, ribbed sheets and other opaque materials

    In our country there are companies specialize that produce sound-absorbing windows with silk-screened strips that are becoming a valid tool for avoid collision birds on the glass.

    Technology and innovation make significant marks developments in this sector.

    The new techniques allow to offer a special texture imprinted in the resulting glass invisible to the human eye, while showing a reticle to the birds, causing them to avoid the glass and modify the flight path avoiding impact.

    This type of glass can be processed to obtain stratified components or insulating glass for curtain walls.

    Source: -

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