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Wednesday 22 January 2025

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Wednesday 22 January 2025

automatic translation

    Italy is forging ahead: glass recycling rate already over 80%

    The increase of 4,2 percentage points,Italy of glass recycling records a sharp leap forward, going from a recycling rate of 76,6% in 2021 to80,8% in 2022. In practice, this figure reveals how on average every Italian has started recycling 1.6kg of glass more than in 2021, reaching a total per capita share of 42,6 kg.

    Forerunner numbers

    Italy, according to the data presented by CoReVe, is confirmed to be above the EU target for the fourth consecutive year set for 2030 (75%), with an annual collection of glass that has broken through the roof of 2,5 million tons.
    The drive towards a truly circular economy is revealed in the clear reduction in the amount of glass that ends up in landfills: -100.000 tons. A dynamic that produces: 
    – a saving of 18 million, linked to landfill sorting costs;
    – a direct saving of 4 million m3 of gas;
    – an indirect saving of almost 7 million m3 of gas.

    The excellent recycling scores of the last year have prevented the emission of 2,5 million tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and, from the glass cullet, energy savings have come in excess of 436 million cubic meters of gas, equal to the domestic consumption of a city of over 1,6 million inhabitants.

    South marching towards recovery

    The optimism towards the future of glass recycling is justified by the increase in collection in the south of the country, where it has gone from 33,7 to 35,5 kg per capita.
    These results reflect the success of theinitiative promoted by CoReVe and Anci to improve the quality and quantity of glass collection. The 122 projects launched involved 351 municipalities, for a total of 7 million citizens.
    The excellent outcome of the agreement between the two realities will favor the launch of new tenders in the near future to "support projects and interventions, especially in the southern regions", as stated by the President Gianni Scotti. 

    Commitments and actions

    CoReVe now aims to achieve an 83% recycling rate for the current year. While the goal by 2025 is to exceed the 86% quota
    These crucial goals for the green future of the glass sector envisage the involvement of all citizens and, in particular, of the younger generations, who are very sensitive to the issue of sustainability. A purpose that will be backed up by a thorough campaign of comunication, through social networks and advertising, to bring both young people and the media closer to an essential theme for health of many industrial sectors and of our society.


    You may also be interested in: Close the Glass Loop: Europe of glass recycling reaches an 80% collection rate (albeit with discrepancies)
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