Thursday 18 April 2024

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Thursday 18 April 2024

automatic translation

    Two conferences to promote glass: the voices of The Italian Glass Weeks

    The week start of TheItalian Glass Weeks in Milan it was inaugurated by two conferences of great importance for the promotion of glass for the artistic, industrial and design sectors. On the occasion of these speeches, various questions relating to the world of glass were answered: what is the state of the art for this material in the world of design? How are the qualities of glass effectively communicated to increase the business of companies?

    Only by retracing the days and, above all, the reports of Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September you can find out the answers to these questions. 

    Monday September 12th

    The main event of the day was the conference organized by Glass GroupIn partnership with GIMAV, Entitled "Italian Design meets the tradition and innovation of glass art". The initiative, which saw the participation of designers and architects, was an opportunity to present a preview of the design object dedicated to The Italian Glass Weeks, designed by Ascanio Zocchi for Vetreria Malagoli, as a synthesis of the meeting between the cities of Venice and Milan. 

    After the conference, the inauguration of the art installation was held "Glass is Future” by Turkish Glass. The installation, made up of 7 architectural pieces, 561 glasses and 637 glass jars, underlines the close link between light and our protagonist. Bond further established by the writing, which testifies to a timeless history.

    In line with the afternoon appointments, the day ended with an event reserved for the world of design and the participants of the Glass Group conference, with a breathtaking view from Santambrogio Terrace over the illuminated city.

    Tuesday September 13th

    The hot September midday of The Italian Glass Weeks was taken full advantage of by the tour de "The Milan of glass". The historian and critic of architecture Maria Vittoria Capitanucci led visitors along an itinerary that, starting from Milan Infopoint - Viesse Auto, has touched some of the glass masterpieces of the city, arriving in Piazzale Liberty.

    Protagonist of the afternoon of The Italian Glass Weeks was Castello Sforzesco, with a series of guided tours at the museum and of WORKSHOPS for the youngest. The workshops, organized by Kikolle Lab, allowed the children to work with glass to make mosaics and paintings.

    For the evening, however, the spotlights lit up Giurisconsult Palace, Seat of the conference HCE x GIMAV "Communicating glass effectively?". The event was an opportunity to present the initiatives that will characterize the collaboration between GIMAV and HCE, the academy specialized in communication and interpersonal interaction techniques, and which aim to help associates acquire the technical-linguistic skills necessary to communicate glass in the best possible way, in order to maximize business activities .
    The day ended once again in Santambrogio Terrace with an event dedicated to the participants of the conference.

    Retrieve the diary of first two days of The Italian Glass Weeks!
    And don't miss the latest updates on The Italian Glass Weeks, follow Vitrum e TheItalian Glass Weeks on Instagram!

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