Tuesday 23 April 2024

automatic translation

Tuesday 23 April 2024

automatic translation

    Fiberglass wallpaper to renovate bathrooms and kitchens

    There are infinite solutions to renovate home environments, currently fiberglass wallpaper is widely used and is well suited to modern design environments.

    The modern wallpaper manages to be elegant, pictorial, adaptable to any type of environment and type of furniture.

    With fiberglass wallpaper you can renovate bathroom or kitchen environments.
    In this way it is possible to renovate the house with functionality, taste and imagination. It is also possible to update old walls with worn tiles or obsolete walls without having to demolish or dismantle.
    The only precaution to keep in mind, in case of badly placed tiles or with very large joints, is to level the wall up to a single smooth layer.

    The fiberglass wallpaper is smooth or textured, in addition to digitally printed ones.

    The fiberglass material has always made it possible to renovate bathrooms and kitchens quickly.
    There is a difference between the fiberglass wallpaper and the fiberglass fabric: on a technical level they are similar, the aesthetic result changes.
    Originally, the fiberglass fabric is white in color, without any decoration, then digital printing will personalize the fabric; the fiberglass wallpaper, on the other hand, is a decorated fabric.
    The first is painted, the second is printed with designs and decorations.

    The main characteristics of the fiberglass wallpaper are the decoration and protection of the wall surfaces, the excellent resistance to shocks and abrasions and the antibacterial, ecological and anti-cracking action.
    Glass fiber also has a remarkable mechanical resistance, is resistant to tensions, shocks or rubbing, abrasion and, being an incombustible material, it is certified against fire.

    Source: Lavorincasa.it

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